How a Green Tea Supplier Boosted Conversion Rates Instantly

The team behind PureChimp has two main goals: to make people happy and healthy and to make a positive impact on the world around them.

They’re accomplishing the first component by selling matcha products – a type of powdered green tea known for its natural metabolism-boosting, energy-generating, antioxidant-packed benefits.

As for a positive impact, the achieve this through recycled packaging and donations of 5% of their profits to charity.

What is matcha?

For the unfamiliar, matcha green tea is a premium green tea powder made from specially grown and uniquely cared for Japanese green tea leaves. For the final two weeks of their life, matcha tea leaves are grown under a protective cover. This extra love and care is the secret to their exceptional health benefits. The tea leaves are then dried and slowly ground to a very fine powder, which can be turned into a delicious tea, mixed with fruit juice or used in a variety of natural skin care products, including soaps, oils and cleansers.

Matcha contains a number of ingredients believed to promote weight loss, increase energy, lower bad cholesterol, blood pressure and stress levels, improve brain function and much more.

A saturated market...

One of the biggest challenges PureChimp has faced since its launch just a few short years ago was the fierce competition in the field. One need only Google the term “matcha green tea” to see that there are plenty of available resources from which to choose. In addition to offering 100% natural, high-quality and affordable green tea products, what could PureChimp do to improve the chances that visitors to their site would successfully transition from prospect to customer?
What if they could somehow demonstrate to new visitors how popular and trusted the PureChimp product line truly was?

No more monkeying around...

After trying a number of different strategies to improve conversion rate, the team decided to give Fomo a try. They’d seen it while browsing on the Shopify platform and become curious about how this simple website widget could effectively help boost sales. They liked the idea of being able to leverage existing sales to create a “buzz” about their products. They especially appreciated the fact that they could give Fomo a try without having to lock into a long-term, expensive contract. Low risk with the potential of high returns? Yes, please!

With a couple clicks of a button, they implemented the Fomo feed, which appears toward the bottom of the screen. Now, whenever someone visits the PureChimp website, they’ll be discreetly notified that someone else just made a similar purchase in a small, unassuming and fully branded popup like this:

matcha ecommerce conversion rate case study

The concept behind Fomo is simple yet profoundly effective.

Why? Because it’s human nature to experience the fear of missing out on something great that everyone else around you is enjoying.

From a marketer's perspective, this concept can be used to encourage on-the-fencers to take the plunge and make the purchase they’ve been considering. Thus, when shoppers interested in matcha green tea land on the PureChimp site, they see right away that others are already happily purchasing the products and feel more confident doing the same.

The results are bananas...

After tracking conversions with Google Analytics, the PureChimp team was pleased to see that the simple addition of Fomo Feed increased conversions by a rate of 2%. That may not seem like much, but given the fact that it took mere seconds to implement and runs entirely without effort, it’s a boost any marketer would be happy with.

More importantly, the increase in conversions means additional donations to the charitable foundation that is nearest and dearest to their hearts: Save the Chimps, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing permanent sanctuary for the lifelong care of rescued chimpanzees. In 2016 alone, the company donated £4236.25 to the cause and looks forward to increasing that amount on a steady basis.

*“Fomo has really helped to create a bit of buzz around our products and an urge for customers to pull the trigger and make a purchase,”" comments PureChimp Founder, Dean Legg.

“It’s honestly been such a positive experience – quick, easy, a great value and instantly improved our conversion rate. Can’t go wrong with that!”

PureChimp plans to continue using Fomo and is also excited to try out some of the new features we’ll be rolling out over the coming months.

If you’re in the market for some quality green tea products, check out PureChimp and, of course, if you’d like to experience the same kind of quick, measurable results with your ecommerce site, try Fomo today (it’s free for a week, so you’ve got nothing to lose).